Thursday, September 20, 2007

Healthy Ovaries Bulletin

A girlfriend forwarded this to us, so as you know, we must share. It is taken from Vital Juice Daily


In honor of Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, we turned to Dr. Lynda Roman, Chief of Gynecological Oncology at USC, to help us make some noise about the "silent killer."

Misconception: A pap smear is not a test for ovarian cancer. It detects cervical cancer.

Symptom watch: While there's no early detection test (a CA125 blood test isn't reliable), watch for unusually sustained occurrences of bloating, pelvic or abdominal pain, difficulty eating or feeling full quickly and urinary symptoms (urgency or frequency).

Doctor's advice: Have an annual vaginal/rectal pelvic exam and discuss regular monitoring with your doctor. If experiencing symptoms, consider seeing a gynecologist (not just a gastroenterologist) and add an ultra-sound to your pelvic exam.

Risk reduction: Oral contraception, pregnancy and breast-feeding have been shown to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer.

For more information or to support the cause, check out the Lynn Cohen Foundation or the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund.

Share these tips with friends and family -- you may be a lifesaver!

Until next time....

Be Seen at the Top! And be healthy.

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