This past Thursday was the launch of our newest endeavour, The Collective. Like Girlfriends Get-Together gatherings, The Collective is designed to break-up cliques and get people talking to one another; not your average ‘networking’ event. Plus they are for the guys and dolls. Gbenga Akinnagbe (Chris Partlow, The Wire) hosted and all had a good time, despite the threat of torrential downpours.In attendance was Girlfriend/Get 'Em Girl author, Shakara Bridges. The painfully shy Shakara re-introduced herself (we originally went up to her outside the Smirnoff event while a tad bit tipsy *read June 22nd entry). Naturally we helped her work the room and soon enough turned her loose as she dazzled everyone with her delicious cuisine. Now, the food at Ginger is delish indeed, but they don’t have Red Velvet Cake. The Official Get 'Em Girl's Guide to Unlocking the Power of Cuisine is not new subject matter and by now we expect you to know about it. But we always like to support and shout-out a hard working and money earning Girlfriend. Shakara and her co-authors are truly that. She gave us a copy of the lovely cookbook
but showed it around the room first. Once the event wrapped and I got a few minutes, we eagerly thumbed through it… I swear drool was leaking out my mouth. Chile, as high resolution as those pictures were, I could have eaten the pages. If you don’t know about the handbook/cookbook, we advise you to check them out. Even if we weren’t given a copy, I’d buy it for the office! Shoot, that might be just what my Chicas are getting for the holidays.
By the end of the night, everyone was vying for the Tinalee Media copy of the book. Guys, girls, kitchen staff. Ha! This goes to show you that no matter how shy you are or what little fear you may have, step out there and work the room, Honey. You never know what you may find, or who may find you. Shakara came there with a purpose. She stepped outside her comfort level and worked that dag-on room.
Until next time, Get 'Em Girl AND…
Be Seen at the Top!
I had the pleasure of hostessing a Book Signing/Q&A Session/Tasting w/the lovely GET 'EM GIRLS last month in DC. The food was good (please, don't get me started...Pah-lease!), the mood was right & a good time was had by all! All of my guests purchased items (books and/or tshirt), as well as the Lounge patrons that weren't aware of what we had going on. It was great & I ate like a pig. It was sooo worth it & I'm willing to do it all over again, atleast monthly :o) LOL
~.elle :o)
Chief Visionary Officer
.elle-SHARP PR & Planning
Nice! It sounds like you carrying on the GGT in DC. Have fun! We'll see you soon!
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