Hey Girlies,Now you know that I'm all about Getting it Straight in 2008 (btw, did y'all vote yesterday?). Our girlfriend Sil Lai Abrams, relationship expert and author of the new book, No More Drama: Nine Simple Steps to Transforming a Breakdown into a Breakthrough, has been nominated for the "Pink List" with the Women in Entertainment Empowerment Network (WEEN). Her book is awesome! I don't just support anyone. Especially when I'm putting my 22cents worth in.
Thanks to her book's profound message and her daily, focused efforts to enlighten women with the promise of empowerment through personal happiness, Sil Lai has allowed women to grasp the true nature of themselves. She does this through her self-developed SEPIA Process (Self Empowerment Principles In Action). I'm not going to go through them all, but Chile... her book really gets gritty. She is extremely upfront and honest about her personal situations and how she overcame them. This is NOT your average self-help book. At all! In addition, her book has given her a podium to address domestic violence, substance abuse, and depression - issues that women everywhere face on a regular basis. Practice the first principle of TRUTH, because I think we ALL know someone (if it isn't us) that has been through some craziness or had various degrees of mental illness or just issues...not only those dealing with men. But hey, they do make you want to cut someone every now and then.
Please take the time to vote for Sil Lai on WEEN's website for the "Pink List." The voting polls close at TONIGHT at midnight. I know the turn-around is quick, but a fellow rising-star girlfriend could use your support!
The WEEN website site is:
To find out more information on Sil Lai , the SEPIA process and her book NO MORE DRAMA, visit: The book is available at Barnes and Noble. If it isn't there, then ask for it and they can order it for you. It will soon be available at Borders, too.
OH, she will also be featured in the premiere issue of YBF's E-zine which is slated to come out this Friday. Check her out!
Until next time... always be a contender (fight for your right rather than just surviving life's woes from day-to-day) and always...
Be Seen at the Top!
~Bettina L. Lee
Good one...!
OMi God...
My cousin just told me about her 2day! This lady was a guest speaker at her doctor class at Harlem hospital and told them her story about how she got beat up by her boyfriend while she was 6 months pregnant just because she didn't want to give her baby the white girl name he wanted to give the child. She also said how her doctor had helped her by paying attention to the abuse signs and sent a social worker to her house after the kid was born.
Ima read this book. I got drama and I need to get rid of it. Like MJB baby! No more more pain.
Thanks, B!
Thanks! You are welcome.
Yes, Sil Lai this is a great book. I'm not really into the self-help books. Not that I don't need one, I just never really bought one. Ironically enough, they have been coming my way via clients. Perhaps the universe is telling me something.
Anyway, Sil Lai provides you with a simple 9 step program that helps you to deal with life's adventures and allows you to make better decisions. She doesn't claim that her book is the be all and end all, she just tells you what works for her. To read her book is like reading a juicy tabloid or watching a crazy movie. I found myself talking to the book like "Girl, no you didn't!" Yeah, that was funny b/c I was on the train.
ta-ta for now...
In my previous post, I meant to say that Sil Lai is great and that her book is great. *typo*
She sends a strong message and really provides a sound base for women of ALL walks of life to develop a better understanding of themselves. Through her personal accounts and explaining how she dealt with alcoholism, sexual assault, abusive relationships all while living a model/music industry life, Sil Lai shows how it's not as simple as turning on a light switch, but rather a journey from witin.
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