Wrap Up on DuBois Chicago Event
Chicagoen Girlfriend Modupe Arowolo provided the pictures and information for this post. I couldn’t attend, so she was my eyes and ears for the event. ~Bettina
Here is her first hand account:
The party began at 5:30pm at Ariel Capital Management, the investment firm operated by Mellody Hobson who was also the hostess of the event. There were about 40-50 people in attendance (about 95% of those were women), with people constantly coming and going as the event went on.While keeping my eyes peeled for Amy [DuBois Barnett], I mingled my way around the room and had the opportunity to meet women from various industries, backgrounds and cities. I was so amazed at how friendly everyone was. Rhonda Saffold, the woman who organized the event talked with me for a few min and I was surprised to learn that she was actually Amy's sister-in-law.
Soon after my chat with Rhonda, I spotted Amy. She wore a red party dress that was elegantly complimented by her sleek, black bob and black suede shoes. She was very warm approachable. She signed my book, gave me hug and she actually talked with me for a few minutes about career, Chicago, etc.Soon after Mellody made her rounds, as she too, greeted every person who wanted to mingle with her. It soon became time for Amy to speak about the book and soon after she gave her account on the experiences that led to the inception of Get Yours!, Amy and Rhonda presented Mellody with an original painting that once hung in The Keny Gallery in Cleveland, Ohio. A gallery founded by Rhonda's father.
At the end of the event, Amy officially began to sign books at table located in the lobby. Although the line was about 30-deep, she was cordial enough to chat with everyone.
Until next time... Get Yours! and
Be Seen at the Top!
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