Friday, May 9, 2008


Yes, it has been a while. February actually... But we heart the concept of highlighting the accomplishments and shouting-out our girlfriends. 'Boo-hiss' on us. So here we go!
This time we’re featuring Sabrina Thompson, owner of BeanPye and a moving force behind Women in Entertainment Empowerment Network (WEEN).
We chatted it up with the Chica and here is what she had to say…

GGT: Are you living your dreams?

Hmmmm, to many people’s surprise I’m not quite there yet. I have a great business. I love my career and I’m where I’m suppose to be now; however, I have so many more aspirations that I would like to accomplish in my career regarding education, media, activism and the arts. Also on a personal note, I’d love to start a family sooner than later.

GGT: Are your career goals in line with your personal goals?
Most definitely. I couldn’t separate the two. My life must have boundless energy, social service and laughter. My company, educational career, nonprofit ventures personal life all include a mixture of those elements and I don’t see it changing anytime soon….why should it have to?

GGT: Has there been an event or person that has greatly influenced you to be the person you are today?
PEOPLE--Aside from God, My parents and brother are the driving forces in my life that supply me with infinite encouragement and brutal honesty.

EVENT(S)—It’s more of a journey and not an event, but the fact that I competitively ran track from the age of 7-22 is major in my life. In that time span, I’ve had amazing successes and some dark, life altering moments…all of which molded my character, introduced me to great work ethic and made me a master at multi-tasking. This journey alone showed me that “SHE-WOMAN” lives in every woman!

GGT: Five years ago, did you envision yourself being where you are today? If not what's different?
Oh no! Five years ago I was 24 and I had no clue I’d be a high school teacher with a fun jewelry company and also co-running a nonprofit. I was in the world of TV not thinking about the 3 other careers that God graciously directedf me to be a part of. I am helping to change people’s lives on a micro and macro level and I’m simply a vessel doing God’s work. Most nights, I go to sleep and wake up every morning with genuine feeling of joy in my heart.

GGT: What advice can you give to other rising star girlfriends?
It’s real simple. Do what makes your heart smile, and the money will come later. There are plenty of folks on Wall Street ready to slit their wrist simply because they are in a field that “looks” good but it may not be what they are called by the Most High to do. Be still, listen to your heart and then immediately start your journey with no hesitation!

GGT: What are some key beauty tips you live by?
Oh boy, ya’ll are asking me, the former Tomboy of NC, about beauty tips? J I just started wearing mascara a year ago and I LOVE IT! If left up to me, I’d wear a ball cap, flip flops and low rise fatigues everyday! I make sure I keep my abs tight with nightly abs exercises. Also, I keep my hair long, healthy and shiny but using very little heat and NO products on it at all aside from shampoo/conditioner. I always wash my face with water only in an upward motion…gotta keep the lines away as long as possible! I exfoliate my lips by using a Vaseline and Dixie sugar mixture. It works WONDERS!

GGT: Name some good books you’ve read.
DaVinci Code
Angels & Demons
favorite books are “the Autobiography of Malcolm X” and “100 Years of Solitude”

About BeanPye...
beanpYe is a funk-inspired apparel company that specializes in custom-designed blazers for men and women. Her company creates distinctive, hand-crafted jewelry for women. The vision is to create a medium that reflects the collector's inner spirit and celebrates their uniqueness. Every garment and accessory is bold and defiant, yet versatile enough to compliment your existing wardrobe. Whether you are rocking beanpYe with vintage jeans or current couture, you are guaranteed to make a distinct and powerful statement.

For more information on BeanPye and to pick up some of Sabrina's hot fashions, visit:

For more info on WEEN and to join the movement, check out

Until next time…

Be Seen at the Top!

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