National Singles Week
Did you know that there is actually a full week dedicated to being single? You may be surprised to find out there is a singles week .Oh yes, National Singles Week run September 21st, 2008 through September 27th, 2008!
National Singles Week was started in Ohio back in 1984 to appreciate the growing ranks of unmarried Americans, who are now 92 million strong and growing! What are you doing this week?
The time has come to celebrate singlehood! There is nothing wrong with you because you are single, so why not celebrate? These days two out of every three single people have never wed.
Three easy and breezy things you can do to rock being single:
Get a Singelringen. - A Singelringen (means single ring in Swedish) is basically a ring for single people. According to Singleringen: “there are engagement rings and wedding rings, but there was no such thing as a ring for single men and women. If anyone needs to signal one’s civil status, it’s a Single”. I love my Singelringen, it’s stylish and goes with everything. I also like to boast and brag about it cause it symbolizes being single and proud ( did I mention it's also wore by alot of celebrities).
Make a date with your single friends. - Go out with your single girlfriends and toast to being single. Share funny stories and the glories of singlehood. If you can not get your single friends together, find a singles event to check out. Attend with your head high in the know that single people are 92 million strong,
Be adventurous- Simply make a deal with yourself to try new things this week to celebrate your independence! Go to a new restaurant, attend an event you would never go to in a million years, go on a flirting spree, your opportunities are endless. You have a whole week to play with.
Above all else rock being single! It is a luscious status to be in!
Until next time,
“Luscious Lifestyle Diva”